About Us

Truly it is not about us, but all about Him. The only one glorified at LifePoint is Jesus. We lift Him up in song, praise, and ministry.

LifePoint Pentecostal Church is a church that is based upon the written Word of God. Many have referred to us as a “Word Church." We strongly believe that a foundation built upon God’s Word can support the weight and pressures that life brings to us in this new era. King David said (Ps. 119:105) that God’s Word was a lamp unto his feet and a light unto his path. The ways of righteousness become clear when the paths of obscurity are revealed and the Word, as David said, will be secure in our hearts that we might not sin against God (Ps. 119:11).

Our mid-week service (Tuesdays at 7:30 pm) has been dedicated to teach us how to apply God’s Word to our everyday living. During this Life Applications Bible study, we endeavor to teach the congregation a passage of scripture that is pertinent to the struggles we all have in life and then reveal the solution to solving life’s difficulties in a Godly fashion.

Sunday is a special day at LifePoint. Rather than having Sunday School in the morning and then returning in the evening, we have scheduled both of our services in the morning. Starting at 9:30 am, we have fifty minutes of Sunday School teaching for all ages. We then take a brief ten minute break. At 10:30 am, we move into the second phase that we call our Morning Worship service. This is a great time of singing and worship for all and then a time of ministry and personal dedication. Tiny Tots Children’s Church will be dismissed just before the preaching begins. They will attend their own service with Bible teaching, games, puppet ministry and more.

We believe that conducting both services in one morning has provided a better flow of spiritual continuity and has also lightened the burden of travel for those who live in outlying areas of the community. This also allows the members freedom to visit other churches in the community.

Marshal Baggett
